GLIDEnumber net
User Login
Please login to the system:
  Username: *
  Password: *
As Registered User you can:

a) Be notified of Disasters as soon as they're reported to GLIDEnumber or participating institutions.

b) Receive a periodic email with summaries of Disasters occurred in the world, or specific countries of Interest. You will also be able to specify which types of disasters are of your interest.

c) Download our database of GLIDE GLobal disaster unique IDEntifier number.

d) Receive a Monthly newsletter (if you wish to subscribe)

e) Report missing disasters in the GLIDE database

*=Mandatory Field.    Password must be at least 4 characters long. Dont use spaces, '/ < >
About Glide
How to Join
Participating Institutions
GLIDE-enabled sites
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Useful Links:
How to Activate your account
GLIDE Search

Registration tips:

  • Anyone can register at

  • Registration is free

  • Your personal info will never be distributed or sold

  • Keep your password always secure

  • Register always a valid email address