GLIDEnumber net
GLobal IDEntifier Number (GLIDE)
What is a GLIDE number?

Accessing disaster information can be a time consuming and laborious task. Not only is data scattered but frequently identification of the disaster can be confusing in countries with many disaster events. To address both of these issues, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) proposed a globally common Unique ID code for disasters. This idea was shared and promoted by OCHA/ReliefWeb, OCHA/FSCC, UNDRR, UNDP, WMO, IFRC, OFDA-USAID, FAO, La Red, the World Bank, the European Commission and the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), and was jointly launched as a new initiative "GLIDE".

How is the Number determined?

Since the beginning of 2004, GLobal IDEntifier numbers (GLIDE) are produced by this website ( for all new disaster events reported by partner institutions and those discovered by ADRC.

The components of a GLIDE number consist of two letters to identify the disaster type (e.g. EQ - earthquake); the year of the disaster; a six-digit, sequential disaster number; and the three-letter ISO code for country of occurrence. So, for example, the GLIDE number for West-India Earthquake in India is: EQ-2001-000033-IND.

How can I use it?

This number is posted by the above organizations and in many other websites, on their documents relating to that particular disaster and gradually other partners will include it in whatever information they generate. As information suppliers join in this initiative, documents and data pertaining to specific events may be easily retrieved from various sources, or linked together using the unique GLIDE numbers. The success of GLIDE depends on its widespread use and its level of utility for practitioners.

Today, users all over the world can pick up the GLIDE number from the homepages Red Cross, ReliefWeb, the European Commission, UNDRR and ADRC. ReliefWeb, La Red and ADRC have prepared a specific website to allow worldwide use of GLIDEnumbers. Being in a mature phase, the group encourages to visit this website and welcomes comments or suggestions.

The following documents contain the minutes of GLIDE meetings:

    November 2021 Product Development Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
    November 2021 API Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
    June 2021 GLIDE Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
    February 2021 GLIDE Stakeholder Meeting Minutes
    June 2020 GLIDE Application Programming Interface (API)
    March 2020 GLIDE Steering Committee Terms of Reference
    May 2019 Global Platform GLIDE Stakeholder Meeting Minutes
    June 2006 Geneva GRIP/GLIDE Meeting Minutes
    May 2004 Geneva GLIDE Meeting Minutes
    July 2003 Geneva GLIDE Meeting Minutes
    February 2003 Kobe GLIDE Technical Meeting Minutes
    July 2002 Brussels GLIDE Meeting Minutes
    March 2002 New York GLIDE Meeting Minutes
    August 2001 Brussels GLIDE Meeting Minutes
  The following documents contain the Japanese papers of GLIDE for JASDIS (Japan Society for Disaster Information Studies):

    GLIDE paper 2002
    GLIDE paper 2003
    GLIDE paper 2006
For more information, please contact:
Asian Disaster Reduction Centre (ADRC)
Higashikan 5F, 1-5-2 Wakinohamakaingan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0073, Japan
Tel: (+81-78) 262 5540 Fax: (+81-78) 262 5546
About Glide
How to Join
Participating Institutions
GLIDE-enabled sites

DISCLAIMER:, and the GLIDE generator are intended to facilitate linkages between records in diverse disaster databases. makes no claim as to the statistical accuracy of the GLIDE generation system, and discourages the use of the data on this site for secondary analysis.
GLIDE tips:

  • The GLIDE database is easily searchable by many criteria.

  • Information in the GLIDE database may be presented in many forms, including tabular and graphic forms.

  • Anyone can register at

  • You can subscribe to receive instant or periodic info about recent disasters.

  • Registration is free

  • Your personal info will never be distributed or sold