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Event: AC Tech. Disaster
Number: 2006-000170
Country: IDN Indonesia
Location: PERTAMINA (National Oil and Mines Company) gas pipe under
the embankment of the Sidoarjo mudflow
Date (YMD): 2006-11-23
Information Source:UN OCHA
Comments: PERTAMINA (National Oil and Mines Company) gas pipe under the embankment of the Sidoarjo mudflow blasted last night, 22 November, at around 8:15 pm, near the center of the mudflow in Porong. The explosion caused blazing fire nearly 50 meters high and damaged the embankment nearly 50 meters wide, spilling mud 2 to 3 meters high into the Gempol (Surabaya) - Porong (Sidoarjo) toll road. The fire has been contained and no explosions were reported in other parts of the pipeline network. BAKORNAS PB reported that the explosion killed nine people, left five missing and 11 injured, who are currently at the Sidoarjo Public Hospital and at the Sutomo Hospital in Surabaya.
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