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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2008-000246
Country: GUY Guyana
Location: Greenfield, Dazzel-Paradise, Haslington, Foulis among others
Date (YMD): 2008-12-23
Information Source:IFRC DREF
Comments: On December 2008, Guyana has reached the height of the rainy season. Many communities have been flooded with three feet of water and completely covered with mud and debris. The rains have eased for the moment, but flood waters have been slow to recede leading to foul smells and health issues have been identified including, skin rashes, vomiting, and diarrhea among others. Sanitation is an issue, as latrines and septic tanks are flooded. The government of Guyana has made efforts to clear and dig canals and have pumps working. Additional pumps are needed for some communities to remove stagnant water. Potable water through the main water systems has been affected, but only at the network level. Water wells have not been affected. Losses incurred are those of cash crops farms and some livestock. Persons have saved household items by raising them above the flood waters.
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