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Event: FF Flash Flood
Number: 2010-000206
Country: KHM Cambodia
Location: Pursat, Oddar Meanchey, Pursat, Siem Reap, Bantaey Meanchey
, Battambang, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, kandal, Takeo
, Preah Sihanouk, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Pailin provinces
and plus municipality of Phnom Penh
Date (YMD): 2010-10-11
Duration: 4
Magnitude: km?
Information Source:National Committee for Disaster Management
Comments: Flash flood from 11 to 17 October 2010 for 4 days in Cambodia there were heavy rainfall and cross-bordered flood from neighboring country affected 64 disticts, 280 communes, 14 provinces. Affected 18,154 households by food shortage, 6,301 families evacuated, 6 deaths, 7 injured, 33,356 houses affected (86 destroyed, 39 partly destroyed), 272 schools affected, 76,168 ha of transplanted rice field affected (15,704 ha destroyed), 6,942 ha of subsidiary crop destroyed. The flash flood was estimated cost damage temporary is US$ 70 million.
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