Event: | FL Flood |
Number: | 2011-000131 |
Country: | GIN Guinea |
Location: | |
Date (YMD): | 2011-9-5 |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | IFRC |
Comments: | This year again, the Republic of Guinea has been struck by several series of floods, in particular the Prefectures of Lab? (city centre), Siguiri (sub-prefectures of Niandankoro, K?ni?bakoura and the urban district of Mandiana (Kini?ran), Gaoual (City centre and district of Madina Bangaya), Matam (Heremakonon) and Matoto (Yimbaya market).
The floods have caused important material damage with 2,645 families affected, or 16,143 persons, including more than 4000 homeless. The displaced persons are accommodated in temporary sites (schools, stores, neighbours, public buildings, etc).
Aproximate Location:: |
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