Event: | FL Flood |
Number: | 2013-000101 |
Country: | LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Location: | Northern and Central part of Laos |
Date (YMD): | 2013-- |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | National Disaster Management Office |
Comments: |
Due to the continuous heavy rainfall causes by the climate change during June to August and the influences of the JEBI storm and Mongkhut storm that blown off Laos in early August, many provinces in the Northern and Central part of Laos (Oudomxay, Xayabouly, Bolikhamxay, Khammuan, XiengKhuang, Luangprabang and Vientiane Province) 384 villages, 29 Districts have been adversely affected by flooding caused 20,445 Families, 112,586 people effected, 174 families Evacuated . Damaged 213 House,170 Rice warehouse,5,972 hectares rice fields, 1,636 hectares gardens, 54 hectares upland rice, 775 Km road damaged by flooding |
Aproximate Location:: |
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