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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2014-000054
Country: TJK Tajikistan
Date (YMD): 2014-4-18
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: Floods and landslides occurred in Vose, Shurobod, and Hamadony districts and in Kulob city in the south of Tajikistan as a result of heavy rains on 11-12 April 2014. In total, 15 people were killed, 13 of them living under one roof in Sarichashma village of Shurobod district. In addition, one person was killed in Vose district and one in Hamadoni district. According to the preliminary data received from the local branch of the State Commission for Emergency Situations and Civil Defence (CoES), some 38 people have been injured. According to the preliminary assessment, some 427 families (276 in Vose, 104 in Shurobod, 47 in Hamadoni districts) have been affected. Six houses were totally destroyed and many others were severely damaged. One medical Centre, three kilometers of roads, and 80 hectares of lands were also affected. The population also lost 301 head of livestock. Storage buildings, stocks for cooking/heating (e.g. firewood), cooking utensils and bedding/clothes of the most affected households were also damaged or lost. The affected communities are not in the position to cook but bring food from neighboring communities. Vegetable gardens of the most affected households and crop fields have also been damaged (covered with mud). The roads to the affected communities in Shurobod district had been blocked by the debris. On 13 April local authorities removed the debris from the roads.
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