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Event: OT Other
Number: 2014-000072
Country: KEN Kenya
Location: Mandera-Wajir border
Date (YMD): 2014-5-15
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: Tensions began building up in March along the Mandera-Wajir border, near Burmayo, over territorial boundary dispute between the two counties. A new wave of violence followed in the month of May 2014, which led to loss of 14 lives in one week as follows: Burmayo(3 persons), Towfiq-Rhamu(5 persons), Gunana(2 persons), Bolowle-Takaba(3 persons) and Guba Banissa(1 Person). A total of 38 people suffered varying forms of injury from these attacks. Besides these attacks, 8 police officers were killed when suspected Al-Shabaab militia ambushed a police vehicle at Arabia, along the Lafey Mandera road in the third week of May, killing the 8 officers and setting their vehicle ablaze. Retaliatory attacks followed in the last week of May with 12 confirmed dead in Gulana village(Wajir county) and 2 deaths on the Mandera side of the border. 20 houses were burnt down in Gulana. In the first two days of June 2014, follow-up attacks were reported leading to killing of 18 more people and 8 critical injuries. The conflict along the border between Mandera and Wajir left a total of 11,894 households (71,364 persons) either displaced or affected on Wajir side. In Mandera South, recent clashes with communities living in Wajir North, a total of 552 households (3,312 persons) have been displaced, and an additional 1,090 households (6,640 persons) affected by the clashes.
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