Event: | FL Flood |
Number: | 2015-000033 |
Country: | MOZ Mozambique |
Location: | |
Date (YMD): | 2015-1-12 |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | IFRC |
Comments: | On 12 January 2015, the Council of Ministers of Mozambique declared the institutional red alert for Mozambique after intense rains fell over the country, affecting thousands of people, disrupting roads and damaging infrastructure. According to the National Disaster Management Institute (INGC) it is estimated that near 144,330 people (approximately 30,000 families) are affected across the country. In Zambézia province a total of 95,360 people (19,072 families) are affected by the floods, with 50,481 people (11,661 households) hosted in 49 accommodation centres. The death toll due to flooding, lightning and house collapse has risen to 64. The situation and figures may vary as the capacity to assess the situation improves. Additional air transport support is being sought. |
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