Event: | FL Flood |
Number: | 2016-000102 |
Country: | SEN Senegal |
Location: | |
Date (YMD): | 2016-9-5 |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | IFRC, 21 Sep 2016 |
Comments: | On the nights of September 4 and 5, 2016, a heavy rain accompanied by strong winds caused significant material and human damage with a large number of affected people. In the area of St. Louis, it was estimated that there were about 1,313 affected families; especially in the department of Dagana that recorded 5 deaths and 106 injured, and destroyed houses, fields, schools, sleeping materials, household goods (chair, clothing, etc.) and walls. In addition, food stock reserves, poultry and livestock were lost in 4 towns and in the 40 villages mentioned below. |
Aproximate Location:: |
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