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Event: EP Epidemic
Number: 2012-000041
Country: SLE Sierra Leone
Date (YMD): 2012-3-8
Duration: 10
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: The Ministry of Health and Sanitation has officially declared the cholera outbreak in 3 branches/districts in the country on the 8th March 2012.No one knows exactly how it started, but health authorities believe that it may have started in Kambia one of the affected branches which shares boundary with Guinea. And because of the high mobility of people from one community to another as a result of funerals, trade, and other personal and commercial activities, the disease has spread quickly to other districts/branches, it is envisaged that the epidemics will continue to spread very fast if urgent and appropriate action is not taken to address the unfolding situation. Already other branches/ districts aside from the 3 districts mentioned above are also reporting severe cases of watery diarrhoea .As at March 9th 2012, the total numbers of cases reported from the 3 cholera-declared districts of Port Loko and Kambia in the North and Pujehun in the South are 2,137 with 34 fatalities.
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