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Event: OT Other
Number: 2013-000124
Country: BGR Bulgaria
Date (YMD): 2013-10-3
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: Since August 2013, asylum seekers from Syria to Bulgaria has increased rapidly to more than 5,100 persons as of 30 September 2013. The developing crisis since the beginning of August 2013 has greatly challenged the existing state mechanisms and support to the asylum seekers, as well as the additional assistance provided by the UNHCR, Bulgarian Red Cross, other NGOs and citizens, including the Syrian community in Bulgaria. On 30 September 2013, all functioning accommodation centres, managed by the government have exceeded their capacity. There is a lack of sufficient food and non-food items including clothes, shoes, beds, and bed linen as well as medicine and medical care for the newcomers. Some facilities lack hot water, which in combination with bad hygiene conditions and overcrowding of the living premises creates epidemic risks for the people accommodated. Most of the asylum seekers settled in the accommodation centres, majority of whom are Syrians, are facing great difficulties to manage their living, having depleted their own resources, while facilities and services in Bulgaria are struggling with the rapidly increasing inflow of asylum seekers.
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