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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2015-000176
Country: BDI Burundi
Date (YMD): 2015-11-2
Information Source:OCHA
Comments: The current rainy season has been causing severe damages to housing due the El Niño climate event since November 2015, and is expected to continue until May 2016. Until mid-January 2016, heavy rains and floods resulted in the damage and/or the destruction of 5,068 houses in Burundi, affecting 30,408 persons who are in need of assistance in shelter/NFI, based on assessments conducted by the authorities with support from the Burundian Red Cross. Out of these affected 5,068 households, 276 found refuge in two IDP sites set up in November 2015 and January 2016 respectively in Rumonge province, with the majority of the households displaced in host families. Heavy rains mixed with strong winds, landslides, floods and thunderstorms also characterized the period from 13 to 25 January all over the country, causing 28 dead and 22 wounded. 703 houses were destroyed and 24 damaged, while 36 schools and 22 bridges were also destroyed, as reported in the assessment conducted by the Provincial Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management, the Red Cross of Burundi, and the Civil Protection.
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