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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2016-000114
Country: EGY Egypt
Location: Heavy rains over the past few days have resulted in flooding
parts of Upper Egypt and the Red Sea coast, affecting the
governorates of South Sinai, Red Sea, Sohag, and Ismailiya
Date (YMD): 2016-10-29
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: Heavy rains over the past few days have resulted in flooding parts of Upper Egypt and the Red Sea coast, affecting the governorates of South Sinai, Red Sea, Sohag, and Ismailiya. According to official estimates as of 29.10.16, 26 people have been killed and 72 injured as a result of intense flooding and related hazards. The torrential rains, which began late on Wednesday, coupled with exceptionally high winds, have forced the authorities to shut four sea ports in Suez and Port Said provinces and to close some schools and main roads. Heavy rains are forecast to continue into early next week. Upper Egypt and Red Sea mountainous regions, impoverished areas with poor infrastructure, receive torrential downpours annually in late October and early November.
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