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Event: EP Epidemic
Number: 2017-000006
Country: VUT Vanuatu
Date (YMD): 2017-1-20
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: As of 6th January 2017, there were 596 suspected cases of dengue fever and 112 confirmed cases. There are more cases being reported and confirmed on Efate, Urban Port vila and nearby rural areas and cases are also coming in from Sola in Torba province, Luganville in Sanma, Emae in Shefa, Norsup in Malampa province and Lenakel in Tanna, Tafea province. The current Dengue epidemic of stereotype 2 affects all age groups. Of the 596 suspected cases, 112 have been confirmed positive, 4 of them severe. Twenty-four per cent of the cases are found among children between 5 and 14, 24.2 per cent are found among those between the ages of 15 and 24, and 19.4 per cent are among those between 25 and 34, and 18.8 per cent for patients above the age of 34, i.e. 86.6 per cent of cases have been found in the population above 4 years of age. As of the 9th of December, the Ministry of Health announced that they would no longer send all cases for testing. Only cases from new sites, severe dengue cases and about 2 cases per day will be tested to detect potential introduction of new dengue virus serotypes and/or Zika virus and/or Chikungunya virus. The number of confirmed cases may therefore not accurately reflect the true extent of the outbreak.
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