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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2020-000198
Country: SEN Senegal
Location: Dakar, Thiès, Diourbel, Kaolack, Fatick, Kaffrine, Saint-Louis
, Matam, Kolda, Sédhiou and Tambacounda
Date (YMD): 2020-9-7
Time: 00
Information Source:Senegal Red Cross
Comments: From 6 to 7 September 2020, all parts of Senegal recorded excess rainfall ranging from 100mm to 1900mm depending on the geographical areas. Dakar and Thies regions recorded 800mm of rainfall mainly in the suburbs and Thies department. Overall, in 11 regions including 25 departments, particularly the suburbs of Dakar and the department of Thies, where these heavy rains caused the displacement of nearly 3,285 people, or 365 families driven from their homes by the floods, waterlogged streets, entire neighborhoods flooded and bridges washed away, thus leaving some localities or communities isolated, since the accessibility of emergency services is a problem. This information from field surveys conducted by the Senegalese Red Cross teams reveals a critical situation with 16,798 affected people.
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