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Event: DR Drought
Number: 2018-000052
Country: AFG Afghanistan
Location: Affected provinces: Badghis, Balkh, Faryab, Jawzjan, Samangan
, Sar-e-Pul, Daikundy, Hilmand, Nimroz, Uruzgan, Kubduz, Takhar
, Herat, Ghor and Farah
Date (YMD): 2018-5-15
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: Below average precipitation and above average temperatures since October 2017 have resulted in significant reductions in snow depths, river flows, water level in dams, water tables, and soil moistures. These conditions have already negatively and irreversibly impacted the winter 2017-2018 agricultural season and are expected to also negatively impact the spring and summer 2018 agricultural season in Afghanistan. The overall combined effect is a significant shortage of water for rain-fed agriculture, irrigated agriculture, and pasturage. Based on satellite imagery and data analyses by iMMAP and FEWSNET, combined with observations by FAO and WFP, this shortage could affect up to 2 million rural population in 20 provinces who are reliant on agriculture, livestock, or agriculture-related wage labour for their food security and livelihood. Forecasts indicate below-average to average precipitation for the remaining weeks of the spring wet season. Along with cumulative precipitation deficits, the below-average forecast is reflective of a low frequency of storms entering the region, increasing the risk for extended periods of dryness that could further impact agricultural production.
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