Event: | FL Flood |
Number: | 2015-000187 |
Country: | KHM Cambodia |
Location: | Battambang province |
Date (YMD): | 2015-9-1 |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | floodlist |
Comments: | According to reports from the Cambodia Humanitarian Respone Forum (CHF), starting from September 1st, widespread flooding in Cambodia has had a devastating impact. An estimated 85,482 households across 74 districts in 14 provinces have been affected. The most severely affected provinces include Kampong Thom with 29,122 households affected, Battambang with 18,786 households affected, Banteay Meanchey with 10,547 households affected, and Pursat with 9,510 households affected.
The flooding has caused extensive damage with 33,165 homes, 29 health centers, 280 schools, 1.600 km of rural roads, and 152,386 hectares of agricultural land affected. These events have had a significant impact on the affected communities and their livelihood. |
Aproximate Location:: |
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