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Event: OT Other
Number: 2014-000146
Country: RUS Russia
Location: Rostov
Date (YMD): 2014-11-15
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: The situation in the south-eastern parts of Ukraine is causing a massive flow of Ukrainian citizens into the territory of the Russian Federation. According to data from the Russian Federal Migration Service, confirmed by UNHCR, more than 1 million Ukrainian citizens have entered and stayed in Russia since the beginning of 2014. 369,229 people have crossed the Ukrainian-Russian border due to military actions, and they are seeking a legal status in the territory of Russian Federation. Out of the latter category, more than 177,637 people from Ukraine have applied to the Federal Migration Service of Russia for asylum. As of 15 November 2014, 272,666 people have applied to the local authorities and the Russian Red Cross, asking for possible relief assistance.
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