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Event: OT Other
Number: 2014-000138
Country: JOR Jordan
Location: Jordan
Date (YMD): 2014-10-7
Duration: 15
Information Source:International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cresent Societies (IFRC), Jordanian Red Crescent Society
Comments: Jordan is the country hosting the third largest number of Syrian refugees. As of end of September 2014, the number of registered Syrian refugees in Jordan was estimated at to 619,163. The greatest challenge those refugees face is that of finding livelihood opportunities in order to have access to enough cash to support their rent and their living. In addition, the rising number of refugees has intensified competition for work and depressed the wages for the fortunate few who found employment. The Federation through its main role to coordinate and provide support and capacity building, focusing on enablers for strengthening the operational abilities of National Societies, is working hand in hand with the Jordanian Red Crescent Society to bring more efficient, speedy and needed aid to the affected people in Jordan.
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