Event: | CE Complex Emergency |
Number: | 2014-000108 |
Country: | LBY Libyan Arab Jamah |
Location: | Benghazi and Tripoli |
Date (YMD): | 2014-5-16 |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | IFRC, Libyan Red Crescent, Tunisian Red Crescent, ICRC |
Comments: | The security situation in Libya that started to deteriorate in May, continues to be highly volatile combined with the political instability related to the transition in the country. The increase of the security incidents associated hundreds of killed and wounded people in the local communities across the country. Libyan Ministry of Health (MOH) has announced 214 killed and more than 900 wounded, due to the recent weeks of clashes in July and August. However, sources including LRCS estimate that more than 600 people were killed. People living in the areas directly affected by the fighting in Benghazi, and then Tripoli are trying to move to safer areas, while others are trapped. Libyan Red Crescent Society (LRCS) risking their lives helped evacuate those trapped as some were locked until the fighting calmed down. MOH warned of a possible collapse of the health system, should the situation continue. This came after the announcement of the evacuation of thousands of Philippine workers in Libya as 3,000 among them work in the health system. |
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