Event: | EP Epidemic |
Number: | 2014-000093 |
Country: | SOM Somalia |
Location: | |
Date (YMD): | 2014-5-31 |
Time: | |
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Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | OCHA, WHO, UNICEF |
Comments: | Since early February 2014, measles outbreaks were confirmed in several regions of Somalia. In March and April, there were over 1,350 suspected cases - four times the number seen during the same period in 2013. Nearly 1,000 cases were reported in May alone. By June, the cumulative number of cases stood at around 4,000. On 14 Jul, the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) allocated US$1.4 million for an emergency campaign to vaccinate 520,000 children under 5 years in the worst affected areas of Banadir, Lower Juba and Puntland. |
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