Event: | OT Other |
Number: | 2014-000027 |
Country: | VEN Venezuela |
Location: | Caracas, Caroni, Carabobo Valencia, Vargas, Lara, Merida, Bolívar among others |
Date (YMD): | 2014-2-12 |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | IFRC |
Comments: | Since 12 February disturbances in several parts of Venezuela have been reported. According to figures from the Government of Venezuela, 8 people have died and 137 have been injured in several cities. Concentrations have been increasing, forcing the temporary closure of stores near crowds. Some of the cities reporting manifestations are Caracas, Caroni, Carabobo Valencia, Vargas, Lara, Merida, Bolívar among others. Public transport is scarce, there is absenteeism in various parts of the country and food shortages are being reported. |
Aproximate Location:: |
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