Event: | EP Epidemic |
Number: | 2013-000127 |
Country: | COL Colombia |
Location: | |
Date (YMD): | 2013-10-7 |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | IFRC |
Comments: | The Ministry of Health and Social Protection
launched on 8 February an epidemiological alert
across the country addressed to the health
sector, in order to respond to the dengue hyperendemic
present in the national territory. During
the following months, the bulletins issued by the
National Health Institute (Instituto Nacional de
Salud, INS) showed evidence of an increase in
dengue cases.
According to the Public Health Surveillance
System (SIVIGILA) of the INS, up to the
epidemiological week No. 27 in 2013 (1-7 July 2013), a total number of 69,524 dengue cases were
reported, of which 67,920 (97.7 per cent) were average dengue cases and 1,604 (2.3 per cent) severe
dengue cases with signs of concern. Until this week 186 deaths due to dengue have been reported, 81
confirmed through laboratory tests. |
Aproximate Location:: |
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