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Event: EP Epidemic
Number: 2013-000064
Country: KEN Kenya
Date (YMD): 2013-5-25
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: Two positive wild polio cases were identified in Hagadera camp, involving two children; 2 and 4 year olds. The specimens were collected and laboratory confirmation done by KEMRI/CDC laboratories. The potential risk for in-camp transmission is high considering inter camps movements by refugees. The risk is also high in surrounding host community, and in the neighbouring urban centres including Garrisa and border towns of Wajir, Mandera, Tana River and Isiolo. The Ministry of Health plans to conduct vaccinations against polio in four rounds of Mop up and Supplementary Immunization Activities (SIA). The first round shall target two counties (Garissa and Wajir) while the second round shall target 5 counties (Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Nairobi and Turkana). The third and fourth shall districts in 24 selected counties. These are hot spot counties prioritized by the MoH (Ministry of Health) based on epidemiological factors which include and not limited to areas where outbreaks have been reported recently, communities? bordering Somali and refugee?s transit districts of Nairobi. The first round shall be undertaken between 26th and 29th May 2013. This round intends to target 512,610 children under the age of 15.
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