Event: | OT Other |
Number: | 2012-000193 |
Country: | TZA Tanzania |
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Date (YMD): | 2012-8-1 |
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Information Source: | IFRC |
Comments: | Since 2002, over 515,000 Burundians have voluntary returned home. More than 94,000 Burundians are still refugees in the neighboring countries, including in Tanzania. In 2011, the Government of Tanzania decided to close Mtabila Camp and subsequently, to repatriate by force if necessary, the refugees by the end of 2012. As a result a cessation clause has been invoked for 37,592 of them who therefore, no longer enjoy the official refugee status as of 1 August 2012. On 8 October 2012, the Governments of Burundi and Tanzania, UNHCR, partners and donors met and agreed to repatriate those ?former? Burundian refugees, some 35,000. |
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