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Event: OT Other
Number: 2012-000046
Country: GMB Gambia
Date (YMD): 2012-4-4
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: The late, erratic and unevenly distributed rainfall during the 2011/12 cropping season led to a significant decline and low quality of agricultural production in The Gambia. Overall crop production is estimated to drop by 62% compared to 2010 and by 50% compared to the 5-year in average. Compared to last year, particularly affected is the production of key food and cash crops such as rice (-74%), millet (-54%) and groundnut (-64%). This reduces the availability and access of food at household level, thereby increasing the lean period from the normal two month period up to 8 months according to the post harvest assessment report. Of the 39 rural districts affected, 19 are considered the hardest hit by crop failure with a total population of 428,000, including 73,802 children under the age of 5. 177,000 of the hardest hit are at the borderline meaning they have already started using some coping mechanisms such as reducing number of meals from 3 to 1 meal per day and/or sending some members of family to relatives to reduce the burden
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