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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2011-000166
Country: NIC Nicaragua
Location: Chinandega, Le?n, Managua, Estel?, Nueva Segovia, Madriz,
Carazo, Rivas, Masaya, Granada
Date (YMD): 2011-10-12
Duration: 2
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: Nicaragua, like the rest of the countries in Central America, was affected by two low pressure systems which began 12 October. As a consequence, severe rains fell over the northern and western regions, causing serious damage to infrastructure, homes, and crops. The most affected departments are Chinandega, Le?n, Managua, Estel?, Nueva Segovia, Madriz, Carazo, Rivas, Masaya and Granada. The National System for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Response (Sistema Nacional para la Prevenci?n, Mitigaci?n y Atenci?n de Desastres, SINAPRED) reported on 19 October that affectation reached 13 departments, 80 municipalities and 546 communities. Current figures of affectation are: ? 5,616 families (28,091 persons) affected. ? 2,042 families (10,278 persons) sheltered in 104 collective centres. ? 5,616 houses affected: 335 destroyed, 3,707 flooded, 1,236 moderated damaged, and 338 under landslide risk. ? 9 deaths, 18 persons injured and 3 missing.
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