Event: | FF Flash Flood |
Number: | 2011-000066 |
Country: | TJK Tajikistan |
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Date (YMD): | 2011-6-11 |
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Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | IFRC |
Comments: | As a result of heavy rains on 11-12 June 2011, floods hit Sughd province in the northern part of Tajikistan, affecting 7 villages in 3 districts of the province.
According to the preliminary data received from the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan`s Sughd province branches, the number of disaster affected dwellings in three districts is more than 213 houses (or some 1,278 people), out of which 99 houses have been badly damaged and 35 houses totally destroyed; internal roads, drinking water supply system, irrigation water supply line, electricity lines, farmland and gardens have been devastated and many domestic animals killed in Asht, Ghonchi and Panjikent districts of Sughd province
Aproximate Location:: |
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