Event: | FL Flood |
Number: | 2011-000038 |
Country: | KAZ Kazakhstan |
Location: | Zelenovsky, Taskalinsky, Terektinsky, Chingirlausky |
Date (YMD): | 2011-4-12 |
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Comments: | Intensive high waters has flooded settlements of several districts(Zelenovsky, Taskalinsky, Terektinsky, Chingirlausky) in the West Kazakhstan and suburb of the regional center Uralsk. It is evacuatedmore than three thousand persons.
The water level in rivers Ural, Bykovka, Derkul, Ilek, Kaldygayta,Chagan, Chizha-1 and Chizha 2 has risen to three meters perday. In the regional center and districts 5 objects of public healthservices and 14 electrosubstations are flooded. In two districts and theregional center it has been disconnected from the electric power more than 5200houses, 630 subscribers of communication and 768 consumers of gas.
According to preliminary data, in zones of flooding the murrain hasmade: 115 sheep, 95 lambs, 72 pigs and 6 horned cattle. |
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