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Event: FF Flash Flood
Number: 2023-000133
Country: AFG Afghanistan
Location: Daikundi, Ghazni, Kabul, Kapisa, Kunar, Maidan Wardak, Nangarhar
, Nuristan, Paktia, Parwan, and Zabul.
Date (YMD): 2023-7-16
Information Source:Afghanistan Red Crescent Society
Comments: Over the past one week, Afghanistan has been experiencing heavy rainfall which has caused flash floods in 11 provinces: Daikundi, Ghazni, Kabul, Kapisa, Kunar, Maidan Wardak, Nangarhar, Nuristan, Paktia, Parwan, and Zabul. According to reports from various sources, including Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) and the Afghan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA), flash floods have led to the loss of 48 lives, left dozens of people injured, damaged more than 800 houses, and washed away over 11,000 jeribs of agricultural land, and killed at least 340 livestock. The province of Maidan Wardak is most impacted, and accounts for 37 of the 48 human lives lost, 280 of the 340 livestock which have perished, and 236 of the 811 houses damaged The Afghanistan Meteorological Department has issued red warnings, the highest level on a three-tier scale, for parts of eastern Bamyan, northern Ghazni, Khost, northern Logar, eastern Maidan Wardak, northeastern Paktia, northeastern Paktika, and southern Parwan. Further sustained heavy rainfall could trigger additional flooding in low-lying communities near rivers, streams, and creeks. Urban flooding is also possible in areas with easily overwhelmed or a lack of stormwater drainage systems. Sites downstream from large reservoirs or rivers are also vulnerable to flash flooding after relatively short periods of intense rainfall
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