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Event: WF Wild fire
Number: 2023-000129
Country: SYR Syrian Arab Rep
Location: Hama,homes,lattakia,tartous
Date (YMD): 2023-7-27
Information Source:Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC)
Comments: Multiple fires have broken out around the coastal and central areas and in Syria. Possible reasons behind these fires differ, including the warm eastern winds that are active during this time of the year in Syria, in addition during the summer there are many dry herbs that burn quickly and the moisture content of the trees is less than what is possible during periods of the year, in addition to the high temperature during this period. It is not excluded that there are fires caused by human errors and the intensity of the fires increased from 15 July 2023, which included the Homes Governorate, Hama Governorate, and Lattakia governorate. Most of the fires were in rugged mountainous remote areas. The intensity and size of bushfires in some areas have led to the creation of their own weather systems, generating pyro cumulonimbus clouds, trapping heat, and generating strong wind, in turn sparking further fires. High winds have also helped the bushfires to spread, with some fires jumping over highways and roads. These fires led to material and environmental damage, as a few homes of a number of residents were torched, in addition to burning agricultural crops on which they depend as a main source of livelihood, in addition to burning a large part of the vegetation, forests , and natural reserves.
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