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Event: EP Epidemic
Number: 2023-000127
Country: COG Congo, Republic
Location: Dolisie, Buenza, Pointe Noire
Date (YMD): 2023-6-28
Information Source:Congo RC and
Comments: Dolisie, especially Niari department is experiencing an epidemic of cholera when the department and the country is not endemic to the disease. In addition to the already high concerns of cholera, there have been reported cases of others water borne diseases that have also made several deaths: shigellosis, salmonellosis, Typhoid. The current known situation is summarized below: • First case 28 June 2023 (SITREP as of 22 july) • Data reported on 15 July, analysis were carried out on 78 samples at the National Public Health Laboratory and the results revealed. 03 types of bacteria, characteristic of the following diseases: - Cholera, with 15 positive samples; - Shigellosis, with 14 positive samples; - Other positive case for food poisoning and typhoid fever confirmed as well. • 22 July, latest bulletin showed 50% increased of Cholera cases since 15 july. 30 confirmed cases of cholera (26 in Dolisie and 4 in Pointe-Noire) and 1431 suspected cases • Additional 12 samples came back positive the same time for cholera and shigellosis (11 in Dolisie and 1 in Pointe-Noire). • The epicenter of cholera and the others diseases is in general the city of Dolisie. 95% of cases of all reported water-borne diseases being there. Especially in the department of Niari. Dolisie count around 203 587 population (in 2021). There is also an increased of the others waterborne related diseases mentioned above, increasing the concerned and confirming the water related and WASH as the main factors driven the ongoing outbreaks. The gaps in the testing and the unreported alert linked to reluctance of communities could hide more figures of this outbreaks. As of 22 july, in several town of the Niari departments, there have been more than a 1400 suspected cases reported with similar symptoms of diarrhea, chronical vomit and fever. • CFR is unknown but reported death for all the ongoing outbreaks in alarming. 34 deaths on a total of 122 confirmed cases. 34 deaths (25 in Dolisie, 5 in Pointe-Noire, 2 in Bouenza, 1 in Kouilou and 1 in Brazzaville).
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