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Event: EP Epidemic
Number: 2023-000092
Country: NPL Nepal
Location: Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Makwanpur, Chitwan, Dang,
Kavrepalanchok Rupandehi, Dhading,
Date (YMD): 2023-6-9
Duration: 120
Information Source:Nepal Red Cross Society
Comments: In the context of Nepal, Dengue cases usually increase from July coinciding with the monsoon season falling in between June and September, with the majority of cases being reported during September. Hence, the approximate impact will be from August to September 2023. This year, as per epidemiological data collected until April 2023, around 600 cases have been diagnosed which is highly alarming considering the usual incidence pattern in Nepal. Until April 2023, 600 dengue (EWARS report, EDCD), cases has already been diagnosed which is highly alarming as this is the very first time that dengue has occurred in the consecutive year in contrary to the usual cyclical pattern of dengue incidence in Nepal. On average, 20-30 cases of dengue have been found each week in different regions of Nepal. 1,387,082 people at risk.
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