Event: | EP Epidemic |
Number: | 2008-000042 |
Country: | BRA Brazil |
Location: | State of Rio de Janeiro |
Date (YMD): | 2008-3-26 |
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Information Source: | International Federation (IFRC) DREF operation MDRBR003 |
Comments: | As of 26 March, 2008 the state of Rio de Janeiro is experiencing a dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever epidemic. To date, 43,523 cases have been reported, with 54 deaths confirmed, 20 of which were from dengue hemorrhagic fever, 10 from dengue shock, and 24 from classical dengue.
The most affected municipalities are: Rio de Janeiro (28,233), Angra do Reis (3,141 people), Campos dos Goytacazes (2,144), Nova Iguacu (2,643), and Duque de Caxias (1,075). |
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