Event: | EP Epidemic |
Number: | 2008-000029 |
Country: | BFA Burkina Faso |
Location: | Gaoua, Mangodar, Banfora, Bati?, Boromo, Di?bougou, Hound? , Kaya, Nanoro, Orodara, R?o, S?gu?n?ga, Titao, Toma |
Date (YMD): | 2008-1-1 |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | IFRC DREF MDRBF005 |
Comments: | A meningitis epidemic has lead to nearly 2000 cases and over 250 deaths in the first seven weeks of the year with a lethality rate of more than 13% according to the MoH and WHO. So far 14 health districts are the most concerned and are either in the epidemic phase (Gaoua and Mangodar) or alert phase (Banfora, Bati?, Boromo, Di?bougou, Hound?, Kaya, Nanoro, Orodara, R?o, S?gu?n?ga, Titao, Toma). |
Aproximate Location:: |
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