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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2023-000089
Country: ARG Argentina
Location: Quilmes
Date (YMD): 2023-5-24
Information Source:GO IFRC, DREF application
Comments: On 23 May, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) from Argentina decreed a Yellow Alert for strong storms for the provinces of Santa Fe, Córdoba, Entre Ríos and some areas of the Province of Buenos Aires, and an Orange Alert for the same threat in several areas of the center and east of the Province of Buenos Aires. Starting on 24 May, the municipality of Quilmes, province of Buenos Aires, particularly the southeast of the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires (AMBA) and on the coast of the La Plata River, was affected by heavy rains, with an accumulated rainfall of approximately 100 millimeters. As a result of these events, streams overflowed causing flooding in several areas of the municipality. On 26 May, new rains occurred over the city, generating greater affectations. Product of these new events, streets, roads and houses were flooded generating power outages and failure in drinking water supplies. A total of 12 neighborhoods settled on the banks of the Piedras, Santo Domingo and San Francisco streams were affected. The local Undersecretary of Emergencies and Civil Protection, with the support of the Quilmes Volunteer Fire Department, evacuated approximately 140 people who were temporarily housed in 4 shelters distributed in the western area of the municipality.
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