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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2005-000139
Country: SLE Sierra Leone
Date (YMD): 2005-8-20
Information Source:IFRC Information Bulletin No. 1
Comments: Pujehun district of Sierra Leone experienced heavy torrential rains on 15 August 2005 leading to flooding in Jorma Jargor and Jormah Jaihun, Sowa chiefdom. Over 300 inhabitants have been rendered homeless after about 50 houses were destroyed. The situation worsened in 24 hours time as floods continued to wreck havoc within Pujehun District. Latest information from the area, as at 1730hrs local time on 16 July 2005, indicates the following: ? In close proximity of Pujehun town, most areas are inaccessible due to damaged or flooded roadsincluding Gobaru highway, Massahun Kpaka highway and Dadabu highway. ? Over 1,500 people are homeless in Pujehun town alone and some villages are still inaccessible. It is estimated that over 15,000 people have been rendered homeless and deprived of clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. ? Over 37 villages are affected. They include: Taninahun, Sawula, Karrlu, Gbondapie, Dadabu, Yiekador, Gibina, Suawo, Jorma Jargoh, Jorma Jaihun, Gobaru, Geoma- an area within Pujehun town. ? Over 104 houses are completely destroyed, with some partially submerged. ? One person has been killed in the floods. No injuries have been reported so far. ? Several acres of farmland have been destroyed. Assessment is yet to be conducted.
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