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Event: OT Other
Number: 2021-000077
Country: CHE Switzerland
Date (YMD): 2021-7-9
Information Source:IFRC
Comments: Migration and refugee flows from sub-Saharan and North Africa, the Middle East and into Europe are among the most complex in the world, with acute humanitarian needs for many people on the move. Official data sources indicate that the unprecedented effect of COVID-19 on global mobility has not halted migration flows through the three northward trans-Mediterranean routes (Eastern, Central and Western Mediterranean), nor the Atlantic route from West Africa to the Canary Islands. The central Mediterranean route, from North Africa (primarily Libya but also Tunisia and Algeria) to Italy which continues to be one of the most active and dangerous routes for people crossing to Europe by sea. Since 2014, the Central Mediterranean has become the world’s deadliest migratory sea routes with over 35,000 lives lost in the past seven years (IOM, 2021). In 2020, 983 people lost their lives on the Central Mediterranean route and in the first six months of 2021 that figures stands at 677 lives lost (IOM, 2021). The actual number of fatalities recorded on migratory routes is in all likelihood much higher largely due to unreported and “invisible” shipwrecks.
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