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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2021-000070
Country: UKR Ukraine
Location: Chernivtsi oblast
Date (YMD): 2021-6-20
Time: 15:00
Information Source:Ukrainian Red Cross
Comments: Chernivtsi region June 20 at about 3 p.m. in Chernivtsi district due to bad weather (heavy rain) flooded by rain streams 80 houses in 8 settlements, 150 homesteads in 17 settlements, partially damaged local roads with a total length of about 30 km and pavement of 9 bridges in 29 settlements (passage) to settlements is provided). There are no casualties. At 07.00 am. on June 21, the water level is gradually declining, basements in 29 residential buildings and 87 private plots in 15 settlements remain flooded, and the electricity supply to the village of Window. On June 20, 35 people and 18 units SESU of equipment (including 7 motor pumps) were involved in the elimination of the consequences of the weather. In total, about 1,160 m3 of water was pumped out of 63 homesteads and 51 residential buildings. Work on pumping water continues. The general coordination on overcoming the consequences of bad weather is carried out by Chernivtsi Regional State Administration. Dnipropetrovsk region At 07.00 am. on June 21 in the city of Dnipro in the Amur-Lower Dnieper and Industrial districts due to difficult weather conditions (heavy rains continued during June 17-18) remain partially flooded 23 private houses and 102 homesteads since June 2, a total of 109 private houses and 200 households). During the day on June 20, SESU units pumped out 56 thousand 288 m3 of water (since the beginning of works - 605218 m3 of water). Water pumping works are underway, 21 people and 21 units have been involved from the SESU equipment (including 14 motor pumps).
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