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Event: OT Other
Number: 2021-000012
Country: KEN Kenya
Location: Baringo
Date (YMD): 2021-1-18
Information Source:Kenya Red Cross
Comments: Baringo County is located in the Rift valley in Kenya and borders Turkana and West Pokot county to the North, Nakuru and Kericho county to the south and Laikipia and Samburu to the East. Baringo County has over the years been faced with skirmishes involving bandits believed to be from the communities of Pokot and their neighbours namely Turkana, Marakwet, Ilchamus and the Tugen communities. The cause of these unrest and conflicts has always been blamed on animal thefts, raids and counter attacks and often considered as resource-based conflict caused by limited resources such as pasture and water points. The current conflicts are more sporadic, widespread and concentrated at the border areas between these communities. In some cases, the attacks seem like planned revenge from previous cattle thefts but the actual cause has been difficult to determine with some unverified information form the Turkana community (Tugen and Ilchamus) suggesting that the Pokot intend to expand their boundary into Turkana land. The current conflict begun with an attack on Pokot community by armed people believed to be from Turkana at a water point near Kapedo bridge on 11th January 2021 resulting in injuries which were managed through KRCS branch level response. Another retaliatory attack occurred on 13th January 2021, followed by more counter- revenge attacks from both communities destroying properties, killing animals, and burning down houses and killing some people. By 17th January 2021, a total of 14 houses had been torched, 1 person killed including a security police officer and several others injured indicating the situation was worsening and deteriorating into a humanitarian crisis. On 18th January 2021, the Government deployed full security operation in the area resulting in an uncontrolled and widespread escalation of conflict, with many injuries and displacement of locals fleeing away from the conflict areas. This situation is unlike the small social tensions and localized conflict as proven by the rapid assessment conducted by KRCS indicate that approximately 1,500 households had been affected by the crisis.
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