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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2023-000259
Country: COG Congo, Republic
Location: Cuvette, Likouala, Plateaux, Brazzaville, Pointe Noire and
Sangha departments
Date (YMD): 2023-12-29
Duration: 30
Magnitude: Medium
Information Source:Congolese Red Cross
Comments: The Republic of Congo has been experiencing exceptionally heavy rainfall over most of the country for several weeks now. This situation has caused flooding in the country, which already has 320,891 people directly affected by the flooding, who are subject to displacement and severe losses as a result of this disaster. Situation as provided by the Government on 29 December 2023. The worst affected departments are Likouala, Sangha, Cuvette, Plateaux, Niari, Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire (heavy downpours), with 361 villages and 36 neighbourhoods submerged due to the exceptional flooding of the Congo River and its tributaries over the last sixty years. The impact of the rains to date on the population already far exceeds the number of people affected over the OND period during the floods in 2021 (164,679 people_Evaluation with the Government) and 2022 (222,000 people). According to experts, this rainfall is twice as heavy as the usual average. The deadly floods and heavy rains continue. The same source reported that the floods had caused 17 deaths in the departments of Likouala, Plateaux, Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire. 6 people are missing in the Likouala and Cuvette departments. In all, more than 2,292 hectares of farmland were flooded.
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