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Event: FR Fire
Number: 2023-000008
Country: GNB Guinea Bissau
Location: Menegue Village
Date (YMD): 2023-1-28
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Comments: In the morning hours of January 14, 2023, a fire broke out in Menegue Village close to Canhabaque that burnt and destroyed dozens houses and food bands were burnt down with food stock, crops and seeds. Report from the rapid assessment shared on 19th January, by GBRCS indicated total of 2,065 people in need due to different loss of houses and settlements, livelihood, income or assets etc. Affected people reflect as below: • 413 people (59 households) have been directly affected with houses burnt partialy or completly • 1,652 people (236 households) in addition to the above have being indirectly affected by the fire incident as they have seen theirs income sources affected by fire with burnt shops or by hosting the homeless families. • 29 Burnt stores/barnes. Owners of the stores live in the community. These store owners and a few others they were supporting to store their produce face livelihood challenge. The rapid assessment finding also reveals 29 stores which have been completely destroyed, containing harvested produce and seeds for the next growing season. Owners of these stores live in the community and are facing livelihood challenges. • The Host families are currently using food reserves, shelter, and to some extent, money to support affected HHs. It is anticipated that, by the time affected HHs receive support and return to their houses, host families would have been rendered vulnerable and the majority with small food reserves will find it difficult to feed their families. Many of the houses burnt and the stores were not built with cement, but with local materials. This was the case for all the stores, which used to keep harvested, food and food reserves of communities in the village. The report also reveals the affected households are at the moment homeless with vulnerable groups exposed to deteriorated living conditions, thus at risk of facing hunger, and other health-related conditions, underscoring the need for immediate support. Though the rapid assessment did not quantify, it reveals children, lactating women, pregnant women, aged, and people with disabilities are part of the homeless people identified. Host families amounting to 236HHs are currently using their food reserves, shelter, and money to support affected HHs. It is anticipated that, by the time affected HHs receive support and return to their houses, host families would have been rendered vulnerable and the majority with small food reserves will find it difficult to feed their families.
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