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Event: FL Flood
Number: 2022-000330
Country: CAF Central African Republic
Location: Arrondissement 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, Bimbo et Bégoua; Paoua
, Kouango et Bambari
Date (YMD): 2022-10-12
Information Source:Central African Republic RED CROSS
Comments: On the night of September 28, 2022, torrential rains fell on the city of Bangui and its surroundings. They led to an increase in the level of the Oubangui River, which overflowed its bed, causing flooding in the riparian areas of Arrondissements 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, Bimbo and Bégoua. This situation increases the vulnerability of the victims in these areas which were already affected during the successive floods suffered during the months of July and August 2022 and which left more than 21,700 people homeless across the country, and refugees in families of reception, schools and churches (OCHA, August 2022). The rains of September 28 added to this already significant balance sheet despite the mobilization of the actors on the ground whose actions started since the beginning of the flood season are running out of steam. The impact of the floods that occurred on September 28 leaves a significant gap in assistance with many needs. The National Society's assessment reveals thousands of houses weakened by water, hundreds of latrines and wells damaged or destroyed by water. The losses of equipment and cultivable land are considerable as the normal harvest season approaches, which should begin in October. Twenty-two (22) injured were also recorded. Most of the victims are located in arrondissements 2, 3, 5 and 6 which are considered priority one zones by the Government. Monitoring of the towns of Paoua, Kouango and Bambari which were also hit by floods following heavy rainfall. They represent the localities most affected by the floods. The houses being either flooded or destroyed, the population moved to host families or schools. The density and frequency of rains to date and the continuity of precipitation in the coming weeks raise fears of a worsening of the situation. According to the seasonal calendar the rains should continue until the end of October (Source: SEASONAL CALENDAR FOR A TYPICAL YEAR, FEWS NET). From National Society assessment, There are 24,758 people affected by the floods: 21,407 homeless people due to these successive floods, 4,281 households affected with 2,823 houses completely destroyed, 1,458 houses partially destroyed, 53 people injured, 02 loss of life. 2417 damaged family latrines, 1092 damaged and contaminated water wells, 05 broken bridges and all water pipes are clogged and overflowed. The situation is alarming, emergency aid to the victims of the disaster is essential.
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