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Event: CE Complex Emergency
Number: 2022-000199
Country: LKA Sri Lanka
Date (YMD): 2022-4-13
Information Source:Sri Lanka Red Cross Society (SLRCS)
Comments: On 01 April 2022, the Government of Sri Lanka declares state of emergency and curfew that gives sweeping powers to security forces to take actions to control the protests, amidst opposition by other coalition parties within the government and Civil Society. But the protests and rallies continued to grow across the country. As a result of the dynamic economic catastrophe in Sri Lanka recently, there are long queues in every part of the country for purchasing essential items such as fuel, cooking gas, medicines, where some people are spending three-four days to get their needs, this affected daily wage labourers who lost their daily income by spending the days in these queues. Four deaths were reported while waiting in these queues for few days. Due to fuel crisis public transportation operation as per the usual schedule has been disrupted, this also affected the income generation of the staff employed in the transportation sector. Suspending routine surgeries was reported of four major hospitals due to shortage of medical supplies, medicines, and 10-13 hours long power cuts.
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