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Event: OT Other
Number: 2021-000206
Country: ARM Armenia
Date (YMD): 2021-12-20
Information Source:Armenian Red Cross Society
Comments: Approaching winter season is expected to put the refugee-like population in a dire financial and social situation; on the one hand, due to the increasing expenses associated with heating and the need for winter apparel, and, on the other hand, due to the inflation in the housing market, which in some regions reaches up to 3.3% compared to the prices of November 2020. Based on Statistics Committee "Armstat" data, the refugee-like population are likely to face increased rental expenses in the coming months. Given that the refugee-like population was already facing financial hardships before the winter season, having a hard time covering basic livelihood needs and trying to find a balance between such needs as utility payments, food and clothes, healthcare, and education costs, the imminent winter season will exacerbate those difficulties, precipitating a severe humanitarian crisis. It is also worth noting that while the host communities have played a critical role in welcoming the refugee-like population and providing shelter and livelihood support, their resources have been depleting as well. With the increased expenses associated with the winter season, their support is likely to decrease. The increasing winterization needs of the refugee-like population have been further confirmed by the continuous needs assessment and community engagement efforts of the National Society. Starting from January of this year, 3,518 people were registered for assistance by the Armenian RC's hotline of whom 90% asked for cash assistance, as most of them are renting accommodation and cannot cover all expenses, particularly during the winter season.
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