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Event: OT Other
Number: 2023-000197
Country: ISR Israel
Date (YMD): 2023-10-7
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Comments: In the early morning of 7 October 2023, armed groups launched a multi-front (land, air, and sea) operation against Israel. The assault combined gunmen crossing into several Israeli towns targeting various Israeli military installations and nearby settlements with a heavy barrage of rockets fired from Gaza. Rockets have been fired from Gaza towards I sraeli villages and cities surrounding and up to 170 km from the border, including the major cities of Jerusalem, Tel A viv, and Beer-Sheba. On 13 October a rocket was fired to the Galilee (North of Israel). Ongoing rocket launches and fig hting has taken place since the armed hostilities began. 􀀀 The deadliest attack in Israel in decades, (source Israeli Defense Forces - IDF spokesperson) more than 1,300 Israeli and foreign nationals, including women, children, and the elderly, were killed in Israel by members of the armed groups, including 3 Magen David Adom in Israel (MDA) members . According to the Ministry of Health, at least 3,391 people have been injured. During the attacks on Israeli communities and military bases, dozens of Israeli captives - including numerous women, children and elderly - are believed to have been taken into Gaza (as of 13 October, as per IDF spokesperson, 97 persons are confirmed to be abducted) .􀀀 There are also several security incidents registered in the Northern border of Israel (with Lebanon and Syria). There have been reported attacks against military bases and attempts to cross the border by arms barriers, mortar shelling and drone attacks. The Israeli Defense Forces have closed roads near Gaza, as well as the Allenby/King Hussein bridge. Restrictions are in place in many other areas within rocket reach. A "state of emergency" in Israel and a "state of war" have officially been declared by the Israeli government, with limitations on public gatherings in all the territory up to 80 km from Gaza, and no schools open until 14 October. The communities around Gaza have been evacuated and the inhabitants of Shderot (the largest town in the area, have been offered the opportunity to evacuate). Some communities in the north (very close to the border) have been evacuated as well. Bed-driven patients in the affected communities have been evacuated. Hospitals in the north and the south of Israel have been transferred to facilities in the center to free bad capacity. Contingency plans in all the hospitals have been activated and wards moved to underground sheltered facilities.
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