Event: | TC Tropical Cyclone |
Number: | 2019-000040 |
Country: | TZA Tanzania |
Location: | Mtwara, Lindi, Tanga, Dar es Salaam |
Date (YMD): | 2019-4-25 |
Time: | |
Duration: | |
Magnitude: | |
Information Source: | IFRC |
Comments: | Tropical Cyclone Kenneth is expected to make a landfall in southern Tanzania on the 26th of April 2019. The cyclone currently has a windspeed of over 200km/h and is expected to cause high swells between 6m and 8m, rough sea conditions, heavy rain fall(400- 500mm), strong winds and flooding. Increase of rain is expected in Dar es Salaam, Tanga, Pemba, Lindi and Mtwara regions, the south coast of Tanzania and around Lake Victoria (UNOCHA update). Strong winds are expected along the coast and most at risk areas are in the south coast of Tanzania, Mtwara regio (1,270,854 people) and Lindi region (864,652 people). Up to two million people are likely to be affected by the cyclone. |
Aproximate Location:: |
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