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TC-2024-000127-CHN Tropical Cyclone China, People's Republic GDACS - Tropical Cyclone GAEMI-24 Medium humanitarian impact, max wind speed 231 km/h 
TC-2024-000127-PHL Tropical Cyclone Philippines On 24 July, the combined effects of the Southwest Monsoon, enhanced by Tropical Cyclone Gaemi(local name: Carina), brought heavy to intense rains across the Philippines.Super Typhoon Gaemi (local name Carina) has been downgraded to a typhoon as it crossed Taiwan and exited the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on 25 July. The storm, combined with the effects of the southwest monsoon, brought heavy rainfall to the western section of Luzon, including Metro Manila. Flooding incidents have been reported in Metro Manila and nearby provinces.  
TC-2024-000126-VNM Tropical Cyclone Viet Nam Tropical storm PRAPIROON passed over the Hainan Island, southern China on 22 July and continued north-west over the Gulf of Tonkin toward the border area between south-western China and north-eastern Vietnam, strengthening. Media report, as of 23 July, approximately 6,000 isolated people across the Cat Ba and Co To islands, northern Vietnam. 
LS-2024-000125-ETH Land Slide Ethiopia On 21-22 July, three landslides triggered by heavy rainfall occurred in Gofa Zuria zone (South Ethiopia Regional State). According to the media, at least 146 people have died, including some rescuers who were deployed to the area. Search and rescue activities are still ongoing and the death toll could rise. 
FL-2024-000124-BFA Flood Burkina Faso Since April, there have been floods in several parts of the country, the worst of which occurred in Boulsa in the province of Namentenga, in the Centre-Nord region. On the night of 29 May 2024, the town of Boulsa was hit by torrential rain between 8pm and 10pm. The rain, accompanied by strong winds, caused extensive material damage and loss of life (07 deaths, including 3 children under the age of 10 and 2 adults, a 35-year-old woman and a 50-year-old man, and 42 injured people treated in the various health centres. Two children under the age of 15 were evacuated to Ouagadougou for more appropriate care. According to initial reports, as of 07 June, more than 1,000 households had been affected. This has been confirmed by the current registration, which shows a provisional total of more than 1,147 households, or 7,648 people affected, and 925 houses either completely or partially destroyed. Burkina Faso is a country vulnerable to extreme rainfall and flooding, with major humanitarian consequences. Every year during the rainy season, thousands of people are affected. The country has in-country response capacity, but support remained needed. Official data from Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA) received on 13 June 2024 indicates the affected households that required assistance and local Government expressed their request for support to the NS. 
FL-2024-000123-BFA Flood Burkina Faso Since April, there have been floods in several parts of the country, the worst of which occurred in Boulsa in the province of Namentenga, in the Centre-Nord region. On the night of 29 May 2024, the town of Boulsa was hit by torrential rain between 8pm and 10pm. The rain, accompanied by strong winds, caused extensive material damage and loss of life (07 deaths, including 3 children under the age of 10 and 2 adults, a 35-year-old woman and a 50-year-old man, and 42 injured people treated in the various health centres. Two children under the age of 15 were evacuated to Ouagadougou for more appropriate care. According to initial reports, as of 07 June, more than 1,000 households had been affected. This has been confirmed by the current registration, which shows a provisional total of more than 1,147 households, or 7,648 people affected, and 925 houses either completely or partially destroyed. Burkina Faso is a country vulnerable to extreme rainfall and flooding, with major humanitarian consequences. Every year during the rainy season, thousands of people are affected. The country has in-country response capacity, but support remained needed. Official data from Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA) received on 13 June 2024 indicates the affected households that required assistance and local Government expressed their request for support to the NS. 
FL-2024-000122-GTM Flood Guatemala Following the heavy rainfall due to the rainy season that has been affecting several departments of Guatemala since June, the humanitarian impact is increasing. As of 18 July, the National Coordination for Disaster Reduction of Guatemala (CONRED) reports 18 fatalities across eight departments, including three in San Marcos, three in Jutiapa and three in Sacatepéquez, 13 injured people, 18,269 evacuated people, of whom 713 in evacuation centres. In addition, 6,897 houses have been damaged, 358 houses have been severely damaged, five bridges have been destroyed and 40 have been affected.  
EQ-2024-000121-CHL Earthquake Chile GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact, magnitude 7.4M 
FL-2024-000120-NER Flood Niger As of 11 June, 26 communes across Niger have been affected by heavy rainfall and floods. The worst affected communes include 15 in Maradi in the south-central part of the country, five in Tahoua in the west, three in Tillabéri in the southwestern, two in Zinder in the south-centre, and one in Agadez in the north. According to UN OCHA, 18 people died, almost 4,000 people were affected, 329 houses were damaged and eight schools were destroyed. 
EP-2024-000119-MMR Epidemic Myanmar The military-controlled Ministry of Health has confirmed the presence of cholera in Yangon in an official statement. As of 17 July, there are 77 confirmed cases of hospitalisation. According to other reports, cholera cases have also been identified in Rakhine, Chin and East Bago regions, with local media reporting over 240 hospitalisations. The World Health Organization (WHO) is providing training to local health workers, while the in-country water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) humanitarian cluster has a response plan that includes a rapid response team, capacity building, water supply and provision of non-food items (NFIs). Rapid assessment is partially hindered by ongoing conflict and access restrictions across the country. DG ECHO is assessing the situation and possible response together with humanitarian partners. 
FL-2024-000118-PAK Flood Pakistan Heavy rain and thunderstorms hit parts of Punjab Province, eastern Pakistan on 5 June, causing severe weather-related incidents and resulting in casualties and damage. According to media, at least six people died, of whom four in Gujranwala District and two in Khushab District, north-eastern Punjab, due to severe weather-related incidents and 40 others have been injured, most of them (30) in Narowal District. 
FL-2024-000117-COL Flood Colombia Since April 21, 2024, communities in the La Mojana subregion have faced heavy rains that have affected their daily lives. The leaks in the Jarillón Cara de Gato work, completed in February, increased the water levels in the pipes and swamps. On May 6, the Jarillón ruptured again, followed by the Jarillón Los Arrastres rupture on May 8. These breaks, together with the rainy season, have affected 38,854 people (12,995 families) in the communities of San Jacinto del Cauca (Bolívar), Guaranda, Sucre, Majagual, San Benito Abad, San Marcos, Caimito (Sucre) and Ayapel (Cordova). 
FL-2024-000116-LBR Flood Liberia According to Liberia's National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), recent unprecedented floods in Liberia have killed two people and displaced nearly 50,000. The torrential rains on 28 June displaced 8,000 people, and severely damaged homes, schools, and hospitals in Montserrado, Margibi, and Grand Bassa counties, according to a NDMA official. The NDMA has called for international support, with a USD 10 million requirement for emergency relief. With the rainy season far from over, an estimated 100,000 people remain at risk of flooding, storms, and coastal erosion, with heightened health risks anticipated. 
MS-2024-000115-KGZ Mud Slide Kyrgyzstan 14 July 2024 Mudflow in Kyrgyzstan: in Osh city and agglomeration: Evacuated 420 people, died 1 man, lost 4 people, flooded 134 houses, damaged preliminary assessment 15 cars. 
MS-2024-000114-TJK Mud Slide Tajikistan On the evening of July 13, heavy rains caused mudflows on the territory of the village of Iskodar, Ayni district, Sughd region. The mud mass flooded the homestead of the school, the village and living quarters. 
MS-2024-000113-UZB Mud Slide Uzbekistan The bridge collapsed due to the erosion of the bridge base as a result of mudflows in the village of Yorkishlok in the Andijan region of Uzbekistan, the press service of the administration of the Khojaabad district of the region reported on July 14. 
FL-2024-000112-PHL Flood Philippines The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) said its field offices in Mindanao are ready to provide aid to families affected by floods caused by heavy rains brought by the Southwest Monsoon or the Habagat. The agency on Sunday said its Field Office 12 (SOCCSKSARGEN) and Field Office 9 (Zamboanga Peninsula) were ordered to use the prepositioned family food packs (FFPs) for the families affected by the floods, including those in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). 
FL-2024-000111-VNM Flood Viet Nam After a long rain, many roads in Cua Duong commune, Phu Quoc city, flooded into rivers, some places more than one meter high, on July 14. The heavy rain lasted from last night to this morning, causing some roads in Cay Thong Trong, Cay Thong Ngoi and Ben Tram hamlets in Cua Duong commune to be flooded. This area is heavily flooded every time it rains heavily. 
LS-2024-000110-NPL Land Slide Nepal Two buses carrying passengers went missing in Trishuli river early this morning in the landslides at Simaltal area along the Narayanghat-Mugling road section in Chitwan district, officials confirmed. The buses were carrying 65 passengers, it is said. 
FL-2024-000109-IND Flood India North-eastern India is experiencing the monsoon season, which is causing widespread floods, the overflow of rivers, landslides and severe weather-related incidents.  
FL-2024-000108-NPL Flood Nepal Seventy people have lost their lives so far in disasters including flooding and landslide triggered by incessant rains, according to the Police Headquarters. Central Police Spokesperson, Deputy Inspector General Dan Bahadur Karki told RSS that 70 people have died, 86 have been injured and five people have gone missing so far in incidents of floods and landslides occurred throughout the country from June 10 till today morning. 
FL-2024-000107-NPL Flood Nepal Incessant rains over the past few days throw life out of gear. At least seven people killed in Gandaki Province. 
FL-2024-000106-VNM Flood Viet Nam According to the Vietnam Meteorological Department, from night to morning of July 3, Ha Giang City and Vi Xuyen district, Ha Giang province had torrential rain. Rainfall in Viet Lam commune, Vi Xuyen district is 365 mm, Ban Ngan is 285 mm. On the morning of July 3, heavy rain combined with floods from surrounding mountain peaks caused many roads in Ha Giang City to be flooded 30-50 cm, and some places collapsed. 
TC-2024-000105-GRD Tropical Cyclone Grenada Hurricane Beryl, the earliest hurricane to reach category five intensity in the Atlantic Ocean, has caused unprecedented devastation across the Caribbean, making its destructive path through Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Dominica, Barbados, and Jamaica. In Grenada, the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique, as well as northern Grenada, have been the most affected areas. Initial reports from the field indicate a severe level of destruction. There have been five hurricane-related deaths, with four in Carriacou and one in mainland Grenada. 
TC-2024-000105-JAM Tropical Cyclone Jamaica The full extent of the destruction brought by Hurricane Beryl in the Island as it swept through the south-east Caribbean from mid-day of 03 July. 02 deaths have been confirmed. 1876 people including elderly plus 113 children are in 275 shelters. Severely affected Perishes are- Clarendon, Manchester, St Elizabeth, St Catherine and Trelawny. 
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Disasters on or after week 29
From: 2024/7/14  To: 2024/7/27

Tropical Cyclone,Philippines: On 24 July, the combined effects of the Southwest Monsoon, enhanced by Tropical Cyclone Gaemi(local name: Carina), brought heavy to intense rains across the Philippines.Super Typhoon Gaemi (local name Carina) has been downgraded to a typhoon as it crossed Taiwan and exited the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on 25 July. The storm, combined with the effects of the southwest monsoon, brought heavy rainfall to the western section of Luzon, including Metro Manila. Flooding incidents have been reported in Metro Manila and nearby provinces.

Tropical Cyclone,Viet Nam: Tropical storm PRAPIROON passed over the Hainan Island, southern China on 22 July and continued north-west over the Gulf of Tonkin toward the border area between south-western China and north-eastern Vietnam, strengthening. Media report, as of 23 July, approximately 6,000 isolated people across the Cat Ba and Co To islands, northern Vietnam.

Land Slide,Ethiopia: On 21-22 July, three landslides triggered by heavy rainfall occurred in Gofa Zuria zone (South Ethiopia Regional State). According to the media, at least 146 people have died, including some rescuers who were deployed to the area. Search and rescue activities are still ongoing and the death toll could rise.

Earthquake,Chile: GDACS - Medium humanitarian impact, magnitude 7.4M

Tropical Cyclone,China, People's Republic: GDACS - Tropical Cyclone GAEMI-24 Medium humanitarian impact, max wind speed 231 km/h

Flood,Guatemala: Following the heavy rainfall due to the rainy season that has been affecting several departments of Guatemala since June, the humanitarian impact is increasing. As of 18 July, the National Coordination for Disaster Reduction of Guatemala (CONRED) reports 18 fatalities across eight departments, including three in San Marcos, three in Jutiapa and three in Sacatepéquez, 13 injured people, 18,269 evacuated people, of whom 713 in evacuation centres. In addition, 6,897 houses have been damaged, 358 houses have been severely damaged, five bridges have been destroyed and 40 have been affected.

Land Slide,Nepal: Two buses carrying passengers went missing in Trishuli river early this morning in the landslides at Simaltal area along the Narayanghat-Mugling road section in Chitwan district, officials confirmed. The buses were carrying 65 passengers, it is said.